The Design Setting Remove Status Stops Loads From Being Applied controls if elements marked as "Remove" in the materials tab are to be included or removed from the structural calculations. This applies to both static analysis and FEA.

For example consider this situation where there is a strain pole with balanced tensions on either side. On the left hand side the conductor has a status of "Existing" and on the right hand side the conductor has a status of "Remove". 

If the setting is unchecked then the pole loading will keep both sets of conductors in the model and hence the structural loading will look balanced and symmetrical as shown below:

However if the setting is checked then the pole loading will assume the conductor on the right is removed creating an unbalanced loading on the pole (overloading the pole) as can be seen below:

Likewise with FEA when the setting is unchecked the FEA shows no pole defection for an everyday load case since the loads are balanced.

However with the setting checked FEA shows pole deflection due to the unbalanced loading on the pole due to the conductors on the right hand side being removed.