This is a quick tutorial on using the underground tools available within Neara Designer, a video version of this guide can be found by clicking on:

Helpful pointers are also available underneath the Tips panel of the Properties tab of any tool you use. 

Trench tool 

The Trench Tool enables you to place trenches through your design which will be used to guide your underground cables. 

To use this tool, click on the trench tool in the menu bar, this will display a trench waypoint(red cross) on your cursor in the perspective view. Left-click at your desired location to start the trench and click again to place waypoints for bends, corners, or the trench endpoint. Right-click to stop continuing the current trench. Left-click to start a new trench or right-click again to stop the trench tool. 

The default cross-section type can also be specified for the whole trench within the properties tab.  

Trench Waypoint tool 

The Trench Waypoint Tool allows you to place additional waypoints along a trench, providing more customisability to an existing trench, such as route, depth or turn radius.

Left-click at any point along an existing trench to place additional trench waypoints. Right-click to stop trench waypoint tool.

After placing trench waypoints, within the properties tab the following parameters can be adjusted:

  • X and Y coordinates 

  • Radius Override and Turn Radius(m) 

  • Vertical Waypoint(override) and Ground Offset(m)

Trench Section tool 

The Trench Section tool enables you to add or override a trench section with a trench. 

To use this tool, click on the trench section tool in the menu bar, this will display a trench section waypoint(blue cross) on your cursor in the perspective view. Left-click on a trench to start the section and hover along the trench for the desired length. Left-click again to place trench section endpoint. Right-click to stop the trench section tool.

The cross section type can be specified within the properties tab. Cross sections can be created within the Trench Cross Sections library underneath the library tab. 

Pillar tool 

The Pillar tool allows you to place pillars in your model which can be used to terminate underground cables and connect service points. 

To place pillars, left-click on the pillar tool in the menu bar and set the default pillar type in the properties tab. Left-click in the design to place pillars. Right-click to stop the pillar tool. 

Parameters of pillars can be customised by clicking on the pillar and viewing the properties tab. 

Substation tool 

The substation tool allows you to place substations in your model which can be used to terminate underground cables and provide a voltage source for voltage drop calculations.  

To place substations, left-click on the substation tool in the menu bar and set the default substation type and orientation in the properties tab. Left-click in the design to place substations. Right-click to stop the substation tool. 

Parameters of substations can be customised by clicking on the pillar and viewing the properties tab. 

Cable tool 

The cable tool allows you to connect cables between underground nodes such as pillars, substations, and UGOHs on poles. 

To route cables, left-click on the cable tool in the menu bar and set the default cable type and voltage in the properties tab. Left-click on a node(substation, pillar, or pole) to start the cable and trace over trenches for the desired route, noticing that the trench section table automatically updates as you route the cable. Left-click again on another node to terminate the cable. Right-click to stop cable tool. 

Properties of placed cables can also be edited within the properties tab.

Service Point tool 

The service point tool allows you to place loads on pillars for service drop calculations. 

Service points can be added by left-clicking on the service point tool in the menu bar and setting the service point type and phase. Left-click on a pillar to attach the load and left-click again at the customer's connection point. Repeat for all services in design. Right-click to stop service point tool. Service points can be viewed under the properties tab by clicking on a pillar. 

Additional service point types can be created within the ElectricalLoadTypes report.