This tutorial will go over importing a georeferenced google maps overlay and importing data.

Importing a Map Overlay

To import a map overlay and give it a meaningful coordinate system:

  1. Click the map icon on the left
  2. Search in the address in the search bar and click a point on the map to bring in that area
  3. Select Edit to bring up the map project settings
  4. Type in the EPSG code for your design area
  5. Change selection to "Derive Design Coord Centre from Lat/Lng" and select Apply,and:

Select Perspective to view your map overlay.

Modelling your terrain

Data that you can import into Neara includes, select the following to find out how to import the relevant data:

  • DXF (Terrain, Pole data, Overlaying image etc...)
  • CSV (Survey files)
  • LiDAR (.las files)
  • KML

In this tutorial, we will be importing a survey file and using the survey tool to model our terrain profile.

Your survey file must be in .csv format. Attached to this tutorial is an example survey file used. This survey file is a combination file and has both ground and structure feature points. You can have more feature points as follows:

  • ground
  • water
  • road
  • veg
  • building
  • railway
  • special
  • structure (every time we specify structure a pole is placed)
  • cond

Make sure to use the column headers as follows:

x y z type name comment

  1. Select Project > Import from CSV
  2. Select your file and select combination in the dropdown
  3. Select Apply

Note that sometimes you may have areas with sparse ground survey data. We can use the survey tool to fill this out by two methods:

Method 1: Interpolating ground profile between two points 

  1. Select Survey Tool
  2. Select one survey point
  3. Select interpolate terrain points
  4. Select second survey point

Method 2: Place down points manually

  1. Select Survey tool
  2. Left-click to place survey points
  3. Select Survey point to define X,Y,Z coordinate

Now we can move on to tutorial 3 and start designing our model. Attached is the example survey file and here is a link to the design file that was used for this tutorial: