Precision relative placement allows for the exact placement of objects, such as terrain points or poles, relative to a reference object. The object can be placed according to the distance, bearing and vertical angle as specified by the user.

To move an object using precision relative placement select the object with the Move and Select

tool and find precision relative placement under the properties tab on the right.

To put a new pole with precision relative placement, first put down a pole anywhere with the Pole tool or the Conductor tool

Select the newly placed pole and adjust its position using precision relative placement in reference to another pole. Follow the steps below to use precision relative placement.

How to use precision relative placement?

To use precision relative placement, you must specify the distance reference object (Dist ref), the distance from that object, the bearing reference object, the bearing and the vertical angle.

Select a Distance Reference 

Choose a reference object from the drop down list to serve as the origin point. Any pole can be chosen with usually either the firstly placed or last placed pole chosen as the reference point.

At least one terrain point or pole will need to be placed before precision placement can be activated. 

Input Required Distance

Enter the distance of the new object from the reference object.

Select Bearing Reference

Choose a reference object from the drop down list to set as origin for bearing.

Bearing Reference object can be different to Distance Reference object.

Input Bearing 

Select the bearing from the reference object. Bearing is defined as the horizontal angle measured clockwise from north between the new object and the reference object.

Input Vertical Angle

If necessary, input the vertical angle measured between the new object and the reference object.

*Lock Numbers

When enabled, all input distance and angle numbers are locked, i.e. if the reference object is changed, the selected object location will change so that the reference distance and bearing to the new reference object will stay the same.

When disabled, all input distance and angle numbers are changeable, i.e. if a reference object is changed, the selected object location will remain the same, and the reference distance and bearing will update to reference to the new reference object.